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National Archives Centre 1
Trung tâm Lưu trữ Quốc gia 1
National Archives Centre 1 (Tim Doling)
Street address: 31B Tràng Thi, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 825 6507
Fax: 84 (0) 4 825 5614
Contact: Hà Văn Huề Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 825 3351
Contact: Vũ Văn Sạch Deputy Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 825 6508, 84 (0) 91 323 7940 (mobile)
Opening hours: 8am-11.30am, 1.30pm- 4pm Mon-Thu, 8am-11.30am Fri, closed Fri afternoon, Sat-Sun and public holidays
One of three branches of the State Records and Archives Department, National Archives Centre 1 is responsible for collecting, acquiring, preserving and making effective use of archival records of national significance from feudal times (with the exception of woodblock records) and from the French colonial period. It houses a total of six linear kilometres of archival material, including 60 archive collections and records groups, plus a range of books and materials dating from 1488 to 1945, including: Hán-Nôm (Chinese and Sino-transcribed Vietnamese) records produced by the feudal dynasties of Việt Nam, principally royal records (Châu bản) and land records (Địa bạ) of the Nguyễn kings and records of the Royal Viceroy in Bắc Kỳ (Tonkin) and Thọ Xương District (now Hà Nội) from 1802 to 1945; Records of the French colonial administration from 1858 to 1945, including documents of the Governors General of Indochina, the Residents Superior of Tonkin and the Residents of Tonkin’s Provinces; records produced by the French-backed administrations in the north of Việt Nam between 1945 and 1954; scientific and technological records of over 200 architectural, irrigation and traffic projects in Tonkin prior to 1945; and historical books, periodicals, reviews and official gazettes published prior to 1945. Finding aids include inventory lists, indexes, catalogues, cards and guidebooks. Initial databases have been set up for the royal records of the Nguyễn dynasty and the records of the Governor Generals of Indochina.
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 11 July 2005
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