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Dare to be Digital
Mailing address: University of Abertay
A unique digital competition open to students studying at Scottish Universities and Art Colleges (undergraduate or post graduate) to develop a game (any platform) or edutainment product (educational entertainment) for 10 weeks during the summer in Dundee. Applications, from teams of five, are accepted annually online. If successful, each team member receives a project fee of £1700 as well as a team production budget of £200 to purchase any additional materials/accessories. The team is given access to industry specialists and advisors, and secure computers and software to support the development of its product. The scheme is also open to students from South Asia through the support of the Scottish Executive's Fresh Talent initiative, which aims to attract more people to come to work in Scotland to complement home-grown talent.
in association with the British Council Scotland    
Date updated: 14 January 2005
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