Visiting Arts
Scotland Cultural Profiles ProjectCultural Profile
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Mailing address: Suites 4 & 5, Ballantyne House, 84 Academy Street, Inverness IV1 1LU, Scotland, United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0) 1463 717091
Fax: 44 (0) 1463 720895
Contact: Robert Livingston Director
HI-Arts was set up by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in 1991 to support the development of the arts across the region. HIE currently provides funding of £168,000 for special arts and cultural development projects as well as the £104,000 mainstream activities and running costs. The Scottish Arts Council (SAC) also provides ongoing funding for HI-Arts.
'The arts play a particularly important role in remote areas where cultural events and activities such as Screen Machine, Feisean and touring arts productions can make a significant contribution to the quality of life.'
HI-Arts has several priorities for the coming year including the launch of the new 'Screen Machine 2', continuing the delivery of mobile cinema services to remote communities across the Highlands and Islands. The National Crafts website will be launched in June, in association with SAC. Also planned is the launch of a Highlands and Islands wide online box office ticketing service and the establishment of creative media "hubs" in five youth and community centres throughout the Highland Council area fitted out with a wide range of music related equipment.‘ (David Smillie, HIE's head of culture)
created in association with the British Council Scotland
Date updated: 29 March 2006
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