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Woodend Barn, Banchory
Street address: Burn O'Bennie, Banchory, AB31 5QA, Scotland, United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0)1330 825431, 44 (0) 7766 380663 (mobile)
Fax: 44 (0)1330 825432
Proprietor: Woodend Arts Association, Scottish registered charity SCO22620
Contact: Jane Summer Director
Contact: Sandy Maxwell Project co-ordinator
Contact: Jane Summers Booking Contact
Opening hours: 9.30am-12.30pm Mon, Wed and Thurs, 9am–4pm Tues and Fri, closed Sat and Sun
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible FOH and backstage, assistance available, disabeld parking, induction loop, large print material, provision for guide dogs
The Woodend Arts Association is a Scottish registered charity set up in 1994 to promote the arts and artistic activity on Deeside in North-East Scotland. It has a sixty-year lease on the Woodend Barn Arts Centre, Banchory. A major fund-raising campaign in 1996/7 allowed WAA to develop the Woodend Barn into a community arts venue.
The Woodend Barn is generally a receiving venue, although occasionally a community play or event is put on. They also organise their own workshops. Several different events are put on by different affiliates, and globally the breakdown is as follows: 5 or 6 classical concerts each year (organised by WMS). WAA itself adds to this programme by promoting additional events on an opportunistic basis (for example, tours by Scottish Opera Go Round and/or other chamber groups). It holds monthly Folk Music Session Nights with eight to 12 performances by celebrated traditional musicians and groups, presents 3 touring theatre productions from both local and national theatre companies annually, and 1 to 2 dance performances and workshops. A number of storytelling, poetry and writing events are also held. There are usually 5 or 6 visual art exhibitions each year in the Lang Byre Gallery. (These include collaborations with local schools, art colleges and artists associations). Arts and crafts of all sorts are promoted at the Woodend Barn through both specialised workshops, and mixed workshops combining two or more different skills (e.g. combining art/storytelling and dance/abstract art).
The Barn
Types of venue: Multi-use arts space
Main use: Performing arts events
Seating: 250 seats total on one level, including space for wheelchairs
Proscenium opening: Informal opening at width of stage
Performing area: 11m W x 4.9m D x 3m-6m H to grid, flat stage floor 1 m above auditorium floor, accessible by wheelchair
Suspension equipment: Limited lighting rig available
Lighting: Strand 24-channel 2-present manual desk, 4 Act 6 dual-input dimmers, basic rig
Sound: 24-4-2 mixer, Yamaha power amplifiers, 4 Peavey speakers
Stage equipment: Boston Steinway 6 ft grand
Back stage: 2 basic dressing rooms accommodating up to 10 persons total, accessible by wheelchair, accessible toilet
Climate control: Heated
Availability: Available for straight hire
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
The Lang Byre Gallery
Types of venue: Art gallery
Main use: An art gallery but also used for workshops occasionally
Seating: Up to 50 seats total and space for wheelchairs
Performing area: 4.5m W x 4.5m D x 3m H to grid, accessible by wheelchair
Lighting: Basic white light
Back stage: 2 basic dressing rooms accommodating up to 10 persons total, accessible by wheelchair, accessible toilet
Climate control: Heated
Availability: Available for straight hire
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Seating: air
Date updated: 11 December 2004
Librios Semantic Environment