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Writer's Factory
Mailing address: 249 West George Street, Glasgow G2 4QE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0) 141 302 1766
Proprietor: Scottish Screen, Scottish Arts Council Scottish Enterprise partnership, supported by Scottish Executive. Managed by Scottish Screen.
Contact: Alison Butchart Head of Training and Education
Telephone: 44 (0) 141 302 1761
Contact: Victoria Allison Training Officer
The Wirter's Factory is a collaborative partnership between Scottish Screen (an executive non-departmental public body), Scottish Arts Council (an executive non-departmental public body) and Scottish Enterprise (Scotland's main economic development agency), supported by the Scottish Executive (the devolved government for Scotland).
It was formed as a response to the results of a feasibility study that was commissioned by Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Executive and published 30 April, 2002. Phase one commenced in April 2003.
Phase I (Introduction to Screenwriting Course, Bursary Fund): April 2003 - April 2004.
Phase II (Intro to Screenwriting Course, Bursary Fund, The Gameplay, Stage to Small Screen, SMG Internships, Writing Comedy Event) May 2004 - present.
The aims of the organisation are;
-To develop and nurture screenwriting talent in Scotland at all levels through a variety of initiatives, including training courses, bursary support, internships and workshops.
- To develop a pool of screenwriting tutors.
-To roll out screenwriting training at an introductory level across Scotland.
-To further the career development of established writers through offering funding support for the attendance of postgraduate courses and short courses in screenwriting.
-To develop the existing skills of established writers from a range of disciplines, enabling the transition to writing for the screen industries.
Activities include;
- 22-Week Introduction to Screenwriting Course
- Stage to Small Screen course
- Gameplay course
- Writers Factory Bursary Award
- SMG Writing Drama for Children's TV Internships
- Writers Factory/C4 Writing TV Comedy seminar
The Writers Factory funds and supports writer development in the Scottish Screen industries. All Writers Factory initiatives are aimed at screenwriters living and working in Scotland. However, the Writers Factory Bursary Fund welcomes applications for support of attendance to screenwriting courses held overseas. Details of courses for which the bursary fund has supported attendance are available from the Writers Factory.
in association with the British Council Scotland    
Date updated: 26 November 2004
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