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Proiseact nan Ealan - Gaelic Arts Agency
Street address: 10 lomair Sligeach, Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais HS1 2BS, Alba, UK
Mailing address: 10 Shell Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2BS, Scotland, United Kingdom
Telephone: 44 (0) 1852 704493
Fax: 44 (0) 1852 704734
Contact: Malcolm MacLean Director
Proiseact nan Ealan is the lead- body for Scottish Gaelic arts development. It is also an arts production company with a strong track-record in originating successful touring arts exhibitions, theatre productions, music festivals and film and television productions. PNE projects have won awards in all of these sectors including a BAFTA, a Civic Trust Award won the STB Thistle Award for Excellence in Cultural Tourism on two occasions. PNE is based in the Hebrides but works nationally and internationally. Past work has involved successful arts events in other European countries, Canada and the USA plus a wide range of arts collaborations in Ireland.
Current arts production activity is focused on the international touring exhibition An Leabhar Mor ( 'The Great Book of Gaelic'), a Gaelic storytelling initiative involving live events and new media and a transnational music production based on St.Kilda for 2007. As lead-body for the Gaelic arts they are currently progressing an audience development strategy on behalf of the Gaelic Arts Strategic Development Forum, developing a web-publishing initiative and organising a major Gaelic Music Conference for February 2006.
in association with the British Council Scotland    
Date updated: 21 July 2005
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leodhais steornabhagh