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Planning and Finance Department, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST)
Vụ Kế hoạch Tài chính, Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch
Street address: Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch, 51-53 Ngô Quyền, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 943 5934, 84 (0) 4 943 8234, 84 (0) 4 943 4744
Fax: 84 (0) 4 943 7101
Contact: Hồ Việt Hà Director General
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 943 9280, 84 (0) 90 328 5458 (mobile)
Contact: Lưu Huyền Ngọc (f) Deputy Director General
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 943 8231 ext 269
Contact: Nguyễn Hồng Sơn Deputy Director General
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 943 5582, 84 (0) 90 341 8640 (mobile)
Contact: TS Nguyễn Danh Ngà Deputy Director General
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 943 3586, 84 (0) 90 340 3114 (mobile)
Contact: Tạ Xuân Lai Deputy Director General
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 944 7370
Established in 2003 following the merger of the Planning Department with the Finance and Accounting Department, the Planning and Finance Department of the Ministry is responsible on behalf of the Ministry for all planning, finance and accounting matters. In the planning field it is responsible for administering development plans in culture, sports and tourism (including investment projects, enterprise projects and national cultural programmes under the control of the Ministry); for providing management and policy guidance in respect of investment projects in the field of culture, sports and tourism; for managing international economic co-operation projects (including import and export, ODA and FDI projects, participation in international projects) in the field of culture, sports and tourism; and for managing all project research in connection with the above, according to Communist Party guidelines and the policies and laws of the state. In the financial area it is responsible on behalf of the Ministry for managing and accounting for all state funds disbursed by the Ministry and for overseeing, guiding and monitoring the disbursement of Ministry funds to agencies responsible for investment projects, enterprise projects and national cultural programmes under the control of the Ministry, ensuring in each case that the proper financial and accounting procedures are followed, according to Communist Party guidelines and the policies and laws of the state. The Department is responsible for the ongoing development of transparent mechanisms for finance and accounting in the culture, sports and tourism field.
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 9 May 2008
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