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Việt Nam Film Technical Centre
Trung tâm Kỹ thuật Điện ảnh Việt Nam
Street address: 84 (0) 4 756 4474, 84 (0) 4 756 0703
Fax: 84 (0) 4 836 3477
Contact: Nguyễn Văn Thiêm Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 754 0629
Contact: Nguyễn Văn Chương Deputy Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 756 0703
The Việt Nam Film Technical Centre produces prints of Vietnamese and foreign films for distribution throughout the country. It also makes copies of DVDs, provides scientific and technical information to film agencies and has a special department which deals with film special effects.
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 13 July 2005
The website is powered by a Content Management System developed by Visiting Arts and UK software company Librios Ltd
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