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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim
NTNU – Norges teknisk – og naturvitenskaplige universitet
Street address: Høgskoleringen 1, Gløshaugen 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Mailing address: NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 7359 5000
Fax: 47 7359 5310
Contact: Eivind Hiis Hauge Rector
Contact: Julie Feilberg Pro-Rector
Contact: Per Ivar Maudal Director
Contact: Peter Lykke Assistant Director
As part of its new legislation to restructure the universities in 1995, the Storting decided to change the name and the structure of the University in Trondheim to include all departments under one University and also to incorporate the Trondheim Academy of Art and Trøndelag Conservatory of Music.
Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art
Fakultetet for arkitektur og billedkunst
Street address: Alfred Getz vei 3, 7491 Trondheim (Gløshaugen, Sentralbygg I, 3. etg), Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 595098
Fax: 47 (0) 73 595094
Street address: Institutt for ByggekunstAlfred Getz vei 3,7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 595050
Fax: 47 (0) 73 595388
Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology
Street address: Alfred Getz vei 3, 7491 Trondheim (Gløshaugen, Sentralbygg I, 12. etg.)
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 595040
Fax: 47 (0) 73 595045
Department of Urband Design and Planning
Street address: Alfred Getz vei 3, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 595020
Fax: 47 (0) 73 595018
Trondheim Academy of Fine Art
Kunstakademiet Trondheim
Street address: Innherredsveien 7 (Industribygget), N-7014 Trondheim, Norway
Mailing address: Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 597900
Fax: 47 (0) 73 597920
Contact: Hege Schierning Johansen Higher Executive Officer
Contact: Bente Dragsnes Secretary
It offers study areas on painting, printmaking and photography, sculpture, intermedia, and theory.
Faculty of Arts
Historisk filosofisk faktultet
Street address: University Centre Dragvoll, Building 2, Level 5, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Mailing address: The Faculty of Arts, NTNU 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 596595
Fax: 47 (0) 73 591030
Street address: The University Centre of Dragvoll, building 8, level 3, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Mailing address: Department of Art and Media studies NTNU 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 591820
Fax: 47 (0) 73 591830
The Institute of Art and Media Studies currently offers practical courses in Drama and Film/Television Production, plus theoretical courses in Drama, Theatre, Film, Media Science and the History of Arts.
Department of Music
Institutt for musikk
Street address: Department of Music, NTNU 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: 47 (0) 73 597300
Fax: 47 (0) 73 597301
The Institute of Musicology was founded in 1962 as a section of the Norwegian Teachers Academy and offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study in Musicology. The Institute currently has nine employees in scientific positions. In addition, about 45 teachers are employed in temporary positions, mainly in the practical disciplines. There are also 1.5 administrative positions and 0.5 of a position as sound engineer with responsibility for the recording studio. Because music studies are very demanding of resources (with individual instrument tutoring), admission is restricted on the foundation and intermediate levels. Through an admission test the students must document their skills on a main instrument and demonstrate a basic theoretical knowledge of music. Trondheim Conservatory of Music was established in 1973 and trains musicians and music teachers through a four-year programme of studies involving tuition in both Classical Music and Jazz styles. September 1st 2002 the Department of Musicology and Trondheim Conservatory of Music were merged into one department named Department of Music.
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Date updated: 5 November 2005
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