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University of Tromsø
Universitetet i Tromsø
Street address: Administrasjonsbygget, Breivika, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway
Telephone: 47 7764 4000
Fax: 47 7764 4900
Proprietor: [email protected]
Contact: Jan Larsen Director
Telephone: 47 7764 4989
Contact: Ingrid Bergslid Salvesen Deputy Director
Telephone: 47 7764 4958
Contact: Jarle Aarbakke Rector
Telephone: 47 7764 4988
Contact: Gerd Bjørhovde Pro-Rector
Telephone: 47 7764 5560
Contact: Ranveig Hansen Executive Officer
Telephone: 47 7764 4986
The University in Tromsø is the northernmost university in the world and the youngest university in Norway. It was officially opened in 1972 and has five faculties.
The University of Tromsø is the proprietor of the following organisations or institutions:
Faculty of Social Sciences
Street address: Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway
Telephone: 47 7764 4296
Fax: 47 7764 4905
This institute offers research and teaching on material culture from the distant past up to modern times and on the Sami past. It is also currently building up research and teaching related to cultural heritage management.
Visual Cultural Studies (VCS)
Contact: Prof Lisbet Holtedahl Head of VCS Board
Telephone: Gøril Skotnes Senior Executive Officer
Visual Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Social Science, offers training on human cultures and communities and emphasises film as a tool in gaining access to knowledge relevant to researchers in social sciences.
Faculty of Humanities
Mailing address: Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Troms, 9037 Tromsø
Telephone: 47 7764 4240
Fax: 47 7764 4239
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Date updated: 5 November 2005
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