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Hồ Chí Minh National Institute of Political Studies
Học viện Chính trị Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh
Street address: Nguyễn Phong Sắc, Phường Nghĩa Tân, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 756 4434, 84 (0) 4 756 5229, 84 (0) 4 836 1068
Fax: 84 (0) 4 836 1194
Contact: Nguyễn Văn Sáu Director General
Additional contact: TS Vũ Đình Hoè Deputy Director General
Additional contact: Tô Duy Rứa Deputy Director General
One of Việt Nam's most important training centres, the Hồ Chí Minh National Institute of Political Studies was established in 1962. It offers training courses for officials from central agencies and organisations, journalists, publishers and artists aimed at improving their awareness in the origin, content, value and role of Hồ Chí Minh Thought, with a view to ensuring its application in ideological and cultural work and boosting the movement to raise revolutionary morality according to the example of Uncle Hồ. The Institute has a network of four sub-institutes and 61 political schools in provinces and cities across the country. Over the past five years the Institute has published the complete works of President Hồ Chí Minh - including 1,700 essays and speeches - both in print and electronically and has carried out 10 major research projects on the late President's beliefs.
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 19 July 2005
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