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Music from the Shrines of Afghanistan by Thomas McCabe
British Museum concert (Tahnee Wade)
Thomas McCabe is the former Programme Manager of the Asian Music Circuit (UK)
Over recent years, with the advent of new technology and unfortunately in some cases the flow of refugees which results from war and political turmoil, the world stage and its more remote cultures have become increasingly accessible to more and more people throughout the United Kingdom. In this way over the last 15 or so years a new age of heightened global accessibility has transformed the musical landscape. Musical traditions from every far-off corner of the world, once known only through small circles of academics and adventure travellers, are now within the immediate grasp of mainstream audiences.
Recent developments in Afghanistan have provided through historic circumstance a return to the music making prior to Taliban control. In the capital city of Kabul the last few years have seen the return of professional musicians from exile in Pakistan and Iran, along with performance activity at Radio Afghanistan, Television Afghanistan, the Afghan Conservatory of Music and Kabul University. Furthermore personal stereos, CD and video shops play loud music in the streets. Hampered by internal censorship by government agencies and local fundamentalist groups, these recent changes have created a greater need for support and recognition of Afghanistan’s music arts from outside agencies here in the west. And intensive research and documentation of Afghanistan’s music traditions have created the opportunity for more public-sector programming and touring in the UK.
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The Afghanistan Cultural Profile was created with financial support from the British Council Afghanistan
Date updated: 25 February 2008
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