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Việt Nam Television Film Centre (VFC)
Trung tâm sản xuất phim Truyền hình Việt Nam
Street address: 906 La Thành, Quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 835 5122, 84 (0) 4 834 3818
Fax: 84 (0) 4 834 3995
Contact: Nguyễn Khải Hưng Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 835 0995, 84 (0) 91 321 2752 (mobile)
Contact: Hoàng Nghị Deputy Director
Telephone: 84 (0) 4 835 5122
Việt Nam Television Film Centre was set up in 1982 to make audio-visual programmes, partly for export. Since then it has produced numerous TV drama, feature films and musical and scientific programmes of high quality. Within the past few years the company has focused its activities on the production of the home-grown multi-episode TV series which are attracting a growing number of viewers around the country. New government licencing stipulations demand that Vietnamese films and TV series account for 50 per cent of those broadcast on national television; as a result both VTV and Hồ Chí Minh City Television (HTV) currently require a total of 46 hours a week (or 40 episodes) of home-grown mini-series to fill their programme schedules. In 2000 Việt Nam Television Film Centre made 123 television series, including the 13-episode Mùa Lá Rụng (‘Season of Falling Leaves’), which is based on the relationships in a family as the country moves into the market economy. in 2003 the company's animated film section produced its first computer-generated cartoon series, Cuộc Phiêu Lưu của Chú Ong Vàng ('Adventures of the Golden Bee'). In 2003 VFC opened its own training programme for young television actors:
Training programmes
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 30 July 2005
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