Visiting Arts
Việt Nam Cultural Profiles ProjectCultural Profile
You are here: Welcome to the Việt Nam Cultural Profile > About this website > Abbreviations used in the website
About this website:
Abbreviations used in the website
Street sign (Tim Doling)
The following abbreviations are used throughout the database:
VNĐ Vietnamese đồng (as at 1 March 2008, 15,974 VNĐ = US$1)
Academic titles
TS (Tiến sĩ) Dr (PhD)
TSKH (Tiến sĩ Khoa học) Dr (DSc)
GS (Giáo sư) Professor
PGS (Phó Giáo sư) Assistant Professor
NGND (Nhà giáo Nhân dân) People’s Teacher
NGƯT (Nhà giáo Ưu tú) Excellent Teacher
NSND (Nghệ sĩ Nhân dân) People’s Artist
NSƯT (Nghệ sĩ Ưu tú) Excellent Artist
Military titles
Đại tá Colonel
Thượng tá Senior Lieutenant Colonel
Trung tá Lieutenant Colonel
Thiếu tá Major
Thiếu tướng Major General
Đại úy Captain
Religious titles
Cư sĩ Retired Buddhist teacher
Thượng tọa Highest ranking monk
Thầy thích Buddhist teacher
Hòa thượng Monk
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 14 March 2008
The website is powered by a Content Management System developed by Visiting Arts and UK software company Librios Ltd
cu currencyvnd dai dan dong giao hoa hoc monkthay nghe ngut nha nhan nsut pho si su ta thich thieu thuong tien toa tu tuong uu uy vnd