Visiting Arts
Scotland Cultural Profiles ProjectCultural Profile
Scottish literature (VisitScotland)Scotland has a longstanding reputation as a bookish nation, and is recognised today as home to one of the world’s liveliest literary cultures. With its multiple linguistic traditions, both oral and written, stretching back into antiquity, its turbulent and colourful history, its proud educational heritage and its struggles for self-definition, England’s smaller northern neighbour has always been a peculiarly dynamic crucible of expressive energies and influences. Amidst the wider cultural ferment that accompanied the drive towards devolution during the 1990s, Scottish writers pushed their way assertively to the forefront of innovation and debate, a continuing revival that is increasingly being hailed as a new 'golden age' in the country’s literature. Scotland's standing in the world of books was further undelined in 2004, when its capital, Edinburgh, was named as the first UNESCO City of Literature.
Use the navigation bar on the left to read more about historical context, development and contemporary practice in Scottish literature, or alternatively make direct contact with organisations and individuals working in this sector through our extensive database of KEY CONTACTS.
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The Scotland Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Scottish Government and the British Council Scotland
Date updated: 13 October 2007
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