Visiting Arts
Việt Nam Cultural Profiles ProjectCultural Profile
Historical background
Propaganda poster 1 (Tim Doling)Việt Nam's mass culture movement (Phong trào Văn hóa Quần chúng) finds its origins in the ideological programmes organised at the front during the anti-French Resistance; in this context 'culture' (văn hóa) should be understood in its wider sense of the inherited, learned and shared behaviour of the community, although from the outset forms of artistic expression and creativity were seen to play a crucial role in shaping that behaviour so that it conformed with the Party Line (Đường lối Đảng).
Since 1975 extensive networks of culture houses, culture and information centres and cultural clubs have been established by Peoples' Committees and Culture and Information Services throughout the country, at municipal, provincial and urban/rural district level. In addition to organising a range of social and sporting activities, these institutions are responsible for promoting participation in and appreciation of music, dance and theatre, organising film screenings and lectures, co-ordinating the organisation of traditional festivals, providing newspapers and books for local people to read and disseminating government and Communist Party directives regarding a cultured way of life.
 Culture360 culturebase
The Việt Nam Cultural Profile was created in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) of Việt Nam with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation
Date updated: 8 July 2004
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