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Overseas artists visiting Norway
The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs, through its Department of Culture is responsible for multilateral international cultural cooperation as well as for the promotion of international culture in Norway. Arts Council Norway is a member of the International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA).
Important cultural partnerships between Norwegian organisations and overseas artists are predominantly established on an institutional level and limited funds may be available for outstanding projects, although these may only cover air-fares and subsistence.
Historically the most interesting exchanges have involved a two-way process in which Norwegian artists have also visited the home countries of their guests, however co-operative projects of this kind have generally evolved out of personal contacts between artists or arts managers.
Most overseas artists visiting Norway are invited by a festival, an artist-in-residence program, or a cultural venue. However, artists and curators keen to pro-actively seek opportunities for presentation in Norway are advised to:
a. Get an overview of the cultural profile of Norway through this website and connecting links
b. Contact the host organisation for advice on their funding schemes and possible professional contacts in Norway. Many organisations provide funding for research trips for artists and curators to build their own network and find an exhibition space, studio or venue
c. contact the Norwegian sector-specific support organisation for advice (see the list below)
d. contact the British Council and take a look at the information on their internet site or contact your own diplomatic and cultural mission in Norway. For a preliminary list please see International cultural development agencies in Norway.
e. create a dialogue with the Norwegian embassy in your country and your embassy in Norway to investigate further collaboration and possible funding. See the listings in the KEY CONTACTS.
f. produce a professional presentation in English about the project.
Below is sector specific information for overseas artists:
Artists working in the Performing arts will find the festivals listed in this directory provide the principal opportunity for cultural exchange, and indeed festivals such as ULTIMA Oslo Contemporary Music Festival in Oslo and the Bergen International Festival both programme extensively with overseas artists. Norway’s various jazz festivals also have a long tradition in providing Norwegians with cosmopolitan musical experiences of a high international standard. Important support organisations for this sector include: Music Information Centre and Dance and Theatre Forum.
For visual artists there are various guest studios and artist-in-residence schemes available, especially in Oslo where numerous long-standing ateliers are active. Office for Contemporary Art Norway provides helpful information for overseas artists.
NORLA - Norwegian Literature Abroad, Fiction and Non-fiction provides information for those operating in Literature.
Professionals interested in presenting Applied Arts in Norway should seek information from the Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts
Film makers should contact the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) as a first port of call.
Artists from developing countries can in addition contact Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD).
Visiting Arts provides advice to overseas artists interested in presenting their work in the United Kingdom.
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Date updated: 5 November 2005
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