Visiting Arts
Norway Cultural Profiles ProjectCultural Profile
Sectoral overview
 Norwegian Nobel Institute (Photo: © The Norwegian Nobel Institute/photo: Arne Knudsen)The Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority (ABM-utvikling), was established on 1 January 2003 following the merger of the Norwegian Directorate for Public Libraries, the Norwegian Museum Authority, and the National Office for Research Documentation, Academic and Special Libraries. The Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority is a public institution under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs. The organisation is a centre of excellence for archives, libraries and museums, working towards a future-oriented investment in collections management, documentation, research, preservation, preparation, dissemination and publicity.
The Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority is currently tasked with the development of 'seamless library services' in which a co-ordinated network of integrated services is created to meet the needs of the public. The intention is to provide the user with the same services regardless of which library she/he visits, thus combining access to actual and virtual collections and services. The Authority is also engaged in the Norwegian Digital Library project, a five-year plan to develop parts of the seamless library services which will also include material from archives and museums.
Other major investment initiatives include the Norwegian Cultural Network, Art and Culture in the Classroom and the Archive Survey project.
The National Library of Norway is the most important institutional player in the Norwegian library sector. Located in both Oslo and Rana, the National Library is the resource centre for the rest of the library system.
The Norwegian Cultural Network provides the subsection Library Network Norway with links to library sites in English.
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Date updated: 14 November 2005
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